Recognizing growth in skills and knowledge through evidence collected within and beyond the school walls. The system honors learning that occurs across all aspects of a learner's life.
A co-created illustration that describes a future to which the organization aspires.
Leaders nurture a culture where risk is encouraged, agency is rampant, expectations are high, and iteration is continuous.
Evaluation, professional development and teaming support educator risk-taking and growth to meet the aspirational vision of a personalized and competency-based system.
Data management systems are transparent, real-time and easily accessible to all stakeholders to support each learner’s progress and goals.
Organizations utilize adults in roles aligned to the goals of learners and the design of the system.
Organizational structures are designed to support learners through flexibility in use of time, pace of advancement, and use of physical spaces.
Leaders will align local policy to remove barriers and support the depth and sustainability of a learner-centered system. Leaders will challenge the state and national policies that are not aligned to the aspirational vision and advocate for policies that are aligned.
The learning drives the use of technology as learners determine what they learn, how they learn, and/or how they demonstrate learning. The technology enhances, deepens, or accelerates understanding and mastery of content.